OK, we know that our front page is a bit odd. We're playing up two things - the old fashion nature of our company name and an old photograph of our founder's grandmother.

The front page is based on a the advertisement to the left of this text. We thank the gentlemen of Walton & Taylor for the inspiration. We hope that we can represent the old fashioned values that these fine men and their like have supplied us.

The photograph is of our founder's grandmother, Nelly Falconer, on the day when she had her first hair cut (thus the backwards photo to show the new 'do).

Nelly worked for many years as a salesgirl at The Kelly Mercantile prior to marrying the owner, Ralph Kelly, and giving birth to our founder's mother - a first generation American as both Nelly and Ralph were born in Canada and later became American citizens.

And, in case you haven't yet put the names together, the marriage changed Miss Falconer's name to Mrs Nelly Kelly.



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Why the weird front page?

Windchill Tidbits


The Kelly Mercantile Company ~2013